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the Brochure:
Get around easier and in style! Three and four wheelers mobility scooters never looked so good! Power through the great outdoors and tackle rugged terrain, or glide down each aisle of your local shopping centre. We offer multiple brands of eMobility™ scooters including: Daymak, Orthoquad, Heartway, and Afikim.
Increase accessibility. Prevent injury. Use easily. More independence. Try renting.
Are you looking to rent? Click here to go to our "Rent a Mobility Scooter" page.
There’s an eMobility™ for everyone. We offer scooters in a range of sizes and
colours, and for even specific needs, like travel or off-road. All scooters and
eBikes not in store can be ordered within
1-2 weeks. Check out our eMobility™
catalogue below or ... ----------------------------- >
Drop in for Monthly Specials. Debit/ Etransfer discount may be available. Add PDI, Shipping and Tax
*PRICING AND EBIKE SPECS MAY NOT BE CURRENT, and do not include Dealer Freight and PDI. Please contact us for an official quote.
**Electric Bikes or Scooters driving ranges varies and are dependent on driver weight, cargo being carried, what kind of roads (terrain, hills), head winds, tire pressure, battery charge and overall condition of the bike.
***Electric Bikes or Scooters (e-bikes) are considered Electric Bicycles under the Motor Vehicle Act. They must meet the standards: Max Speed 32 KM/hr; Max Motor 500W; Max Tire size 18"; and Equipped with Pedals
****Freight charge are the shipping charges that it takes to bring the e-bike to our dealership from our vendors. This does not include any local delivery charges. PDI charges are the Pre Delivery Inspection charges that cover costs for product assembly and testing, as well as activates the warranty.