Why buy an eBike?
No gas. No license. No pollution. No noise. No registration.
Drive on the streets and bike paths, day or night, for only $0.25 per charge! Choose from our premium electric bike brands like iGO, ZEN, ELBY and Emmo.
Make your daily commute or weekend adventures
traffic-free, sweat-free, and struggle-free.
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ZEN Photon Mini
Cruise around town on the Phonon Electric Bike, a versatile and comfortable ebike for any rider. With a 500W geared motor, torque sensor, throttle and 5 levels of pedal assist it is packed with power.
Nova Scotia's Own eBike

IGO Atwater your local Commuter eBike
A cross-platform step through e-bike built on 28” wheels that inspires fun and confidence with every pedal stroke.

Atlantic Canada's Favourites

Why buy at The eBike Centre?
Expertise. Selection. Service. Financing. Location.
Since 2013, we have established a reputation in the Atlantic Canadian eBike industry under the name: NewStar Marine & Scooter. We are a family-owned and operated business located in the largest city of Atlantic Canada, situated in the heart of Dartmouth, NS.
Our success is based on our wide selection of products, our caring staff, and our passion for the environment. From racy to rugged, from leisure to luxury and everything in between, we've got an eBike for you!
The eBike Centre™ is an authorized dealer for: Elby, iGO, Daymak, Emmo, Orthoquad, Heartway, Afikim, and Proudrider.

20 Estates Road
Suite #102
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 4K7

Financing available at 5.95% for loans starting as low as $4,000.

Parts & Accessories
One stop shop for all parts and accessories.

Mobility Rentals
Looking to rent a mobility scooter in Halifax or Dartmouth?
Service & Repairs
Get a team of Halifax experts to service and repair your eBike.